Product Main


CAS No. Registry Number: 8028-98-6
Herb Name    Murraya paniculata(L.) Jack (=M. exotica L.) 
Scientific Name    Rutaceae 
Local Name    Jin-li-xiang(C),Gou-lee-heung(H),Gekkitsu(J) 
Part     Leaf 
Local Drug Name    Jin-li-xiang(C),Gou-lee-heung(H) 
Processing    Fresh or dry in shade 
Adminstration    Oral or topical(decoction:C,H) 
Medicinal Uses    Traumatic injury(C,H)
 Ulcer pain,toothache(C,H)
 Stomach ache(C)
 Epidemic encepahlitis B(C,H)
 1) Anti-implantation effects   
 2) Antithyroid effects   
 3) LD50 of methanol-water extract of bark and leaf are both >1 g/kg I.p. in mice  
 4) Abortifacient effects    
 5) Antiinflammatory effects     
 6) Anticoagulant effects   
 7) Antiferility effects   
 8) LD50 of protein polysaccharide = 462 mg/kg I.p. in mice 
 9) Antimicrobial effects  

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