Product Main


CS-100 self-cleaning glass coating, with a long life, high temperature, good water repellent properties, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, the construction is simple, for the majority of customers with innovative products.
The product is a polymer nano-composite of silicon and water repellent polymer composite made by the scientific method of the colorless, transparent coatings, focused expression of green environmental protection and health and safety, to achieve the product's functionality, usability, value of the most reasonable combination.
[product Features]
1, colorless, transparent liquid crystal glass.
2, non-toxic, non-polluting environmentally friendly products.
3, it is easy to use without special equipment, apparatus, using a simple method of
CS-100 self-cleaning glass coating, with a long life, high temperature, good water repellent properties, corrosion resistance and other characteristics, the construction is simple, for the majority of customers with innovative products.
The product is a polymer nano-composite of silicon and water repellent polymer composite made by the scientific method of the colorless, transparent coatings, focused expression of green environmental protection and health and safety, to achieve the product's functionality, usability, value of the most reasonable combination.
[product Features]
1, colorless, transparent liquid crystal glass.
2, non-toxic, non-polluting environmentally friendly products.
3, it is easy to use without special equipment, apparatus, using a simple method of spraying or brushing, you can achieve the desired anti-bacterial, self-cleaning, nursing three functions.
4, brushing or spraying the product to a variety of metal, glass, marble, tile, plastics, textiles, wood products and other surfaces can be formed within a few seconds in the nano-rugged protective film, played antibacterial, self-cleaning, care of the effect.
5, the unique nano-structured protective layer super-hydrophobic lotus leaves to imitate nature, self-cleaning function, coating the surface of the water like a lotus leaf falls rapidly decline, coating the surface clean.
6, smooth coating on the surface of dust and stains difficult to attach the coating surface, easy to love cleaning.
7, there are powerful anti-bacterial, anti-ultraviolet function.
8, strong and durable, spray a long and effective.
[Usage Method]
1. Prior to use this product, please clean the glass surface, or wipe the surface with alcohol.
2. In forming the glass surface of imported cotton, or cotton and meticulous way smear at 150 ℃ -200 ℃ temperature bake 2-5 minutes. Can also be dried naturally at room temperature for 24 hours to extend the service life of self-cleaning glass
[Action principle]
   This coating is used in glass or similar (such as ceramics, marble, metal) surface coatings. After the paint of film, and the glass surface (SiO2) a chemical reaction to produce a layer of sodium m-micron thick coating, which make the glass surface of the water as a foreclosure effect. This glass is more "easy clean", which is its greatest advantage. When you paint for the bathroom glass surface, it can prevent the water-soaked or a soap bubble attached to the glass surface, eliminating the need for regular scrubbing bathroom glass troubles.
Shanghai genuine self-cleaning paint advantages compared with other internal similar paints :
other products on the international market
Our self-cleaning paint
Directly attached to the form of films on glass, long duration and very easy to fall off.
   As the bond connected to the glass surface, anti-water, anti-scaling effect is good, easy to clean.
 Poor anti-corrosion, long-term high temperature environment, loss of water-repellent effect
Anti-corrosion, anti-scaling, high temperature.
Period is short, needs to be updated annually
The effect is a long period..
Coatings complex process.
Construction is simple
After coating the glass will take some time to maintain in order to use, needs some space for. Occupied by factories..
Immediately dry, did not require special storage space
Resist the effect of water contact angle of small general
Contact angle of water-repellent effect of the fine big
After use of Huzheng brand self-cleaning coatings Shanghai, the water droplets would not be easy attached to the surface, which automatically rolled from the glass surface. Water droplets fall on the treated glass surface, due to the repulsion of water coating to form a larger contact angle, making water drops and glass contact area than the fall has not been treated glass surface contact area of the small 1 / 3 above, and thus becomes easy to fall. That is why the deal is not easy to glue over the surface of dirt and leave water-soaking cause
  After usage of coating              Before the usage
Construction Method
Spray way
spray gun to the substrate surface, uniform coating with low-pressure
Curtain coating way
Make use of liquid self-gravity, like water, coat the surface of the substrate from top to bottom flow
Scratch France way
with tools such as sponges, dip, after a good paint along the direction of a certain surface of sliding in the base construction method carried out
Rub-coating way
With tools such as the use of cotton cloth, dip, after a good paint, plastic, rubber, wipe the surface of moving
Construction Technology:
Step one
Basal treatment
------ Processing methods and heat treatment of coating the same construction, namely, processed glass surface after the cloth and then wipe again with alcohol to ensure that the glass surface, leaving no water, no watermarks, no visible material.
Step two
Coating paint
------ With brush, sponge, cotton and other tools to paint pilgrimages full, or use a spray gun, evenly coating the glass surface, pay attention to brushing paint should not be too much, can not have linked the phenomenon of streaming, coating should be uniform.
Step three
Polished glass
------ To be dry after coating (based on degree of ambient temperature and air dried, usually about 1-2 minutes), coated glass surfaces have traces of mist with a dry soft cloth to quickly wipe traces of mist out.
The circumstances under which a conditional use temperature of 150 ℃ -200 ℃ bake 2-5 minutes. It can be dried naturally at room temperature for 24 hours to extend the life of self-cleaning glass.
Overcast and rainy days and the air humidity of the weather, not the construction.
[Application field]
widely used in bath, glass shower room, bathroom marble, tiles, glass and other coating surface to achieve self-cleaning.
Widely used in a variety of internal and external walls of buildings can be a long time to keep the walls of new degree and sanitation.
widely used in a variety of metal, glass, plastic, wood products, paint and other surfaces.
Widely used in cars around the windshield, side windshield glass, rear-view mirror's surface to ensure that rain water sight glass, do not hang well. For automotive cabin ceiling and the floor, mat surface, to achieve long-term function of sterilization except taste, especially when many car mat carpet is not easy to wash with water and dried, if after treatment with the product are not afraid of wet washing, because the surface of the formation of Nano protective film does not account for oil and water, gently threw what can be used.
widely used in toilets, washbasins, sanitary ware, furniture, flooring, curtains, carpets, wall wallpaper, children's toys, mobile phones, computers, refrigerators, air conditioners can maintain a long-term surface cleaning and sterilization.
Comparison with similar products performance test shows
1).    contact angle measurement :
Shanghai Huzheng brand contact angle is 119.3 °, Shanghai Huzheng two contact angle is 124.1 °, the contact angle of an opponent 99 °, the contact angle for the two opponents is 101 °
1. Analysis of the duration
N / A
2. The purpose of testing
This test will measure the liquid (water droplets) in the formation of the glass surface of the contact angle
3. The use
All glass surfaces (maximum size is 10 * 10 cm)
4. Measuring Instruments
Dynamic contact angle measuring instrument (Model: FTA200)
5. Reagent
De-ionized water
6. Test procedures
PA cleaning the glass with isopropyl alcohol and air-dried, using dynamic contact angle measuring instrument (Model: FTA200) increased slightly from about 25 samples of liquid water droplets dripping through the needle gauge glass surface (needle to the glass surface of the height of a cm), the application lap lace-Young theory, in 10 seconds through "measurement window" for measuring the contact angle, and 10 seconds later, the average contact angle. Decided to measure the value of the average contact angle. This process will be repeated on the same sample at least 3 times. The final contact angle is the average of four measurements.
7. Test results show
The greater the contact angle of the liquid sample, it means the exclusion of the droplets the better the performance.
Application of Laplace-Young theory, we test more realistic than the use of other methods of contact angle (tangent value of 1)
2).temperature resistance test:
100 ℃ boiling water test
1. Duration
More than 1 hour
2. Testing purposes
We will be different coating the glass in boiling water for at least 1 hour and then measured the contact angle changes (exclusion of performance changes on the water droplets) in order to understand the different heat capacity of paint.
Comparison of temperature test:
Product brand
Test result
Our brand
NO effect
Other famous brand1
Have effect
Other famous brand2
Have effect
3. The Application
All glass coating
4. Apparatus Measuring Instruments
- Beaker
- Timer
- Electric heater
- Care material plate
5. Test agent
Deionized water
6. Testing process
In the beaker, please fill with pure mineral water without heating, when the water temperature reached 100 ℃, placed in test samples. Allow the sample to stay in boiling water for 1 hour. 1 hour, it will cool the sample to dry out to begin contact angle test. When the contact angle is less than 85 degrees, indicating that the sample does not heat, boiling water can not be tested.
7. Test results show that
If the sample passed this test, we can ensure that the sample has a superior coating adhesion. Will not easily fall off the heat.                                                                
            3), chemical anti-corrosion test
1. Analysis of the duration
At least 24 hours
Test Report chart
2. The purpose of testing
After smearing the specifications into the glass coating chemicals, 24 hours after observing the contact angle, the contact angle of the size of the different coatings to determine the ability of anti-chemical corrosion.
3. The use
The standard glass coating
4. Measuring Instruments
5. Testing process
With drop coating the surface of chemical agents. And use the surface area covered Min. 24 hours after cleaning the premises and observe the results. When the contact angle of less than 85 degrees when the coating shows that the sample of this does not have anti-corrosive chemical reagents. Please see the table of its concrete results.
6. Test results show that
Sample coating resistant to more types of chemical reagents, indicating better corrosion resistance of the coating.                      
Chemical name
Huzheng coating
Power steering fluid
Have no effect
Brake fluid
Have no effect
unleaded gasline
Have no effect
sodium hydrate
Have no effect
Diesel fuel
Have no effect
Neutral detergent
Have no effect
Neutral detergent
Have no effect
2% Optical 25
Acetic acid concentrate
Have no effect
Have no effect
Have no effect
Chloric acid
Have no effect
Acetic acid
Have no effect
Ethanol, DEP
Have no effect
Have no effect
25% optical
Have no effect
Have no effect
PM acetate
Have no effect
Citric acid
Have no effect
5% KHO
Nitric acid concentrate
 Have no effect
Phosphoric acid concentrate
 Have no effect
formic acid concentrate
Have no effect
Have no effect
isopar C
Have no effect
Have no effect
Have no effect
Have no effect
Have no effect
Have no effect
 4), Anti-scrub performance test
Our brand 1 scrub frequency is 95 million times, our brand 2 two scrub frequency is 115 million times, first opponent of the scrub frequency is 15 million times, the second opponent is 25 million times.
1. Analysis of the duration
N / A
2. Testing purposes
The main purpose of this test is to paint the surface of the wear resistance of different testing (this method is used in the automotive industry over the past above).
3. The application
All types of samples of paint were painted on glass (area is 8x40 square centimeter)
4. Measuring Instruments
Bravie scrub test device,
And fixed with Velcro tray, put 454 grams abrasive materials.
5. Reagentia test agent
Pure water without minerals.  Isopropanol P.A. Vileda's abrasive materials
6. Testing process
An important parameter in this study is the contact angle. Some kind of paint coating, after repeated scrubbing, making it the contact angle is less than 85 °, repeated scrubbing the number displayed in the chart. Glass samples should be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol and dried. Coating the sample surface facing into the self-cleaning device, paint on the face and to ensure that the sample placed in the center of the instrument. And fixed samples, while samples of 454 grams abrasive material will be placed in a specially designed tray, each time by adding a drop of pure water scrubbing. Set a good scrub frequency, press the Start button, the completion of a number of scrub, the measured contact angle. After testing, if the result is still higher than the contact angle of 85 degrees, to continue testing until the angle is less than 85 degrees (that is, the water does not have appropriated effects).
Other related parameters have not used this measure (for example a washing parameter R)
This test is also suitable for other similar parameters
- Scrub Matter: vileda abrasive, brush or flannel outer
- Scrubbing liquid: the average pure water-
7. Test results
Allocated a key parameter is the coating of water contact angle, when the contact angle is less than 85 ° when the allocation of water-based paints will be invalid. The contact angle dropped to 85 ° before the more experienced scrub times shows that this coating, the stronger resistance to wear. And practical application of this test is linked to. Because in the practical application environment, we always rag, sand, water and other dealings.                               
 Shanghai Huzheng Nano Technology Co., Ltd.                                  
                                                                    FEB 20 ,1