Fiber Optic Plate is a fiber optic component.Fiber optic plate as fiber optic window can accurately transmits an image from input surface to output surface. Fiber optic plates are mainly used for high resolution .zero thickness image transfer in applications that include CCD and CMOS coupling, CRT.LCD &OLED displays, image intensifier tube, remote viewing, field flattening.and x-ray imaging .In opto-electronic application,fiber optic plates are used as both cathode input window and anode output window in image intensifier tube.All fiber optic plates are made to customer-requirements.Basic shapes are round, square, concave or convex and vary in size up to 160 mm in diameter .
Fiber sizes range from as small as 4μm up to 15 μm or larger. Fiber optic plates can be manufactured to be vacuum tight to meet customer sealing requirements.