1. Info:
Molecular Formula: C36H74
CAS No.: 8002-74-2
H.S code: 2712200000
Appearance: white solid
Dangerous Degree:
2. Application:
● mainly used as component of food and other commodities (such as wax paper, crayons, candle, carbon paper,Inks,Cleaning Industry.,Modeling Clay,Matches,Cheese,Adhesives, Emulsions, Hot-melt protectors
● packing materials and baking container's coating materials
●cosmetic raw materials
●for keeping fruit fresh
● improving the rubber anti-aging ability
●It also can be used for oxidation synthesis of fatty acid.
● it can be widely used in producing moisture-proof and water proof wrapping paper, cardboard, certain textiles' surface coating and candles.
3. Specification:
Specification: 54/56, 56/58, 58/60, 60/62, 62/64