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CCC certification

3C certification is called "compulsory product certification system", it is governments to protect the personal safety of consumers and national security, enhance product quality management, in accordance with laws and regulations to implement a product conformity assessment system. The so-called 3C Certification, is China's compulsory product certification system, the English name of the China Compulsory Certification, abbreviation CCC.

Our government to honor its WTO commitments, on December 3, 2001 released a compulsory product certification system, from May 1, 2002, the state commission began accepting the first catalog included a mandatory 19 large class 132 kinds of products for certification.


3C signs are generally attached to the surface of the product, or by pressure in the molded product, a closer look will find several small diamond-shaped "CCC" markings. Each symbol is followed by a 3C-random code, each random code has a corresponding manufacturers and products. Management center certification mark issued in payment of compulsory product certification mark, the code corresponding to the product have been entered into the computer database, consumers can through the National Quality Certification Center for coding queries.

CCC certification application procedures

1, the intention to submit an application designated certification body, should include the following:

Applicant information, manufacturer information, such as: name, address, contact person, contact information, etc.;

Manufacturer information (including the status and quality system certified system, etc.);

Product name, model, specifications, trademarks, etc.;

In addition, the need to provide product-related information, such as: product specification, use and maintenance manuals, assembly diagram, work (electrical) schematic, circuit diagram, component configuration diagram, product safety and performance test reports, etc. List of critical parts.