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 Description of Double roll crusher:
Double Roll crusher is mainly used for the crushing of medium or lower-hardness mines and rocks with medium or lower rigidity in mine selection, chemicals, cement and building materials industrial production.Roll crushers have a theoretical maximum reduction ratio of 4:1. If a 2 inch particle is fed to the roll crusher the absolute smallest size one could expect from the crusher is 1/2 inch. Roll crushers will only crush material down to a minimum particle size of about 10 Mesh (2 mm). A roll crusher crushes using compression, with two rolls rotating about a shaft, towards the gap between the rolls. The gap between the rolls is set to the size of product desired, with the realization that the largest feed particle can only be 4 times the gap dimension. The particles are drawn into the gap between the rolls by their rotating motion and a friction angle formed between the rolls and the particle, called the nip angle.