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General Description A yellowish to brownish oily liquid with a musty fishy odor. Melting point -6° C; Boiling point 184° C; Flash point 158° F. Denser than water (8.5 lb / gal) and slightly soluble in water. Vapors heavier than air. Toxic by skin absorption and inhalation. Produces toxic oxides of nitrogen during combustion. Used to manufacture other chemicals, especially dyes, photographic chemicals, agricultural chemicals and others.

Air & Water Reactions Darkens on exposure to air and light. Polymerizes slowly to a resinous mass on exposure to air and light. Slightly soluble in water.

Product Categories: Industrial/Fine Chemicals; Aniline; ACS GradeNitrogen Compounds; C2 to C6; Essential Chemicals; Routine Reagents; A; A-BAlphabetic; Alpha Sort; AM to AQAnalytical Standards; Amines; Aromatics; AromaticsChemical Class; Chemical Class; Volatiles/ Semivolatiles; Alphabetic; AM to AQ; Pesticides&Metabolites; Reagent Plus; AM to AQChemical Class; A-B, Puriss p. A. Nitrogen Compounds; Analytical Reagents for General Use; Puriss p. A.