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Characteristics and Applications

Propylene Glycol, with molecular formula C3H8O2and structural formula,is colorless transparent liquid. Its meltingpoint is -59.5??? and boiling point is 187.3, and can be mixed orsolvent with water, alcohol and several organic agent. Propylene glycolis a raw material for producing unsaturated of plasticizers, dehydrant,surface active agent, firming agent and binder. Moreover, PG can beused as antiseptics, ice inhibitor and moisture preserver of tobacco.
Quality Indexes (Pharmaceutical grade accords with the standards of CP2000, USP and BP QJ/YSTL-02-29-1999).

(Thequality system accords with GB/T19001-2000idt ISO9001:2000, and theenvironmental management system accords with ISO14001:1996)

Items Units Pharmaceutical Grade Food Grade First Grade Qualified Grade
Purity % ≥99.8 ≥99.6 ≥99.5 ≥99.0
Water % ≤0.2 ≤0.2    
Initial boiling point