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HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE (HEXAMINE, urotropine) is a white crystalline powder with slight amine odor. Specific gravity is 1.27  at 25C . HEXAMINE is soluble in water, alcohol, and chloroform, but insoluble in ether.
Hexamine is a kind of raw material for the curing agent of phenolic plastic, the catalytic agent of amino plastic, the blowing agent H(dpt)of vulcanized rubber, the antishrinking agent for textile goods, diuretic and germicide of pharmacy, the black explosive of military industry and the pesticide of agriculture. And it can be used for the absorbent for light and air in the poison gas mask, if it is mixed with caustic soda & phenoxide.
Appearance:hite crystalline powder
Aqueous Solution: Clear
Purity: 99% (min)
Heavy metal(on Pb)≤0.001%
Ash content≤0.03%
Chloride(on CL)≤0.015%
Sulphate(on SO4)≤0.02%
Ammonium(on NHd4)≤0.001%