Product Main


Veterinary anesthesia machine RE902-C-V 

Special Feature
Ventilation method: Closed, half-closed, half-open
Small and compact unit ideal for office based anesthesia
One-gas machine(O2 )
External CO2 circle absorber system
Vetilator (option): TH-1, TH-1 A
Main Unit
Tidal volume( Manual Mode): 20 ~ 1500ml
Gas pressure: 0.25 ~ 0.65Mpa
O2 :0.1 ~ 10L/min
APL valve: 0.5 ~ 6.0Kpa
O2 Flush: 25 ~ 75L/min
Ventilator TH-1
Special Feature
Driven mode: Pneumatically driven electronically controlled
Display: High light LED display
Ventilation mode: IPPV and Manual mode
Tidal volume: 50 ~ 1500ml
Breath frequency: 1~ 90Bpm
I:E ratio: 4:1 ~ 1:6
Monitor parameter: Tidal volume, breath frequency, MV, airway pressure
Alarm: MV high alarm, MV low alarm, TV high alarm, TV low alarm
Ventilator TH-1(A)
Special Feature
Respiration mode: IPPV, SIMV, MAUAL
Display: 5.5’ SNT screen
Waveform: P-t, V-t
Tidal volume: 50 ~ 1600ml
Breath frequency: 1~ 65Bpm
I:E ratio: 8:1 ~ 1:8
Alarm parameters: High pressure alarm, Low pressure alarm
High pressure alarm limit: 20 ~ 60cmH2O
Low pressure alarm limit: 0 ~ 20cmH2O
Monitor parameter: Tidal volume, MV, Ppeak, PEEP, respiratory frequency, I:E ratio
Safety valve pressure limit: 6Kpa
Good air tightness, high reliability, and minor respiration impedance