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“Southern has introduced a double deck cycle rack for the first time at Sutton railway station. The new 2 Tier System holds 40 cycles in the same footprint as the old rack – doubling the amount of parking spaces, is covered by a canopy to keep the worst of the rain off and is covered by 24-hour CCTV. Southern’s Project Manager, Paul Best said: “We are delighted with the new rack. It’s innovative in its design and is well used by our cycling passengers and, as a result, we are now looking at more stations where this kind of facility would be of tremendous benefit to our passengers.” The new rack at Sutton was installed following comments from passengers, local authorities and user groups who contributed to the formation of Sutton’s Station Travel Plan. The plan looks at ways to encourage passengers to travel to and from the station in a more sustainable ways than the car, and ways in which overall public transport integration at the station can be enhanced. Southern has plans to extend the two-tier system to other stations on its network including Horsham and Haywards Heath.”

Now a new bike rack undisappear in our company .it is called double-deck stackable bike rack
double-deck stackable bike rack
1.Double-deck bike rack With high and low layers
2.Under the condition of original space, it can increase the number of parking bikes to 2 times, saving city space.
3.Easily assembled, can be joined up to the needed length
4.Beautify urban environment