Product Main


Product Name: Rehmannia Extract
Botanical Source: Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch.
Appearance: Fine brown powder.
Active Ingredient: β- Sitosterol, mannitol, stigmasterol, rehmannin, catalpol, cin- namic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, etc.
Standard: 4: 1   6: 1  10:1   20:1
Package: 25 kg/Drum
Medicinal Use: It can be used to treat crimson tongue and polydipsia, macule and rash, hematemesis, hemorrhinia, sore throat, diabetes and infectious hepatitis. 
Storage Situation : Stored in a well-closed container away from moisture and light.
Shelf Life: two years under well Storage situation and stored away from direct sun light.