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Synonyms: Obtuseleaf Senna Seed Extract; Semen Cassiae Extract
CAS#: 8013-11-4.
Latin Name: Cassia obtusifolia L.
Description: "Cassia obtusifolia" is produced in the south of the Changjiang river originally. The extract from it is a kind of new resource in the natural products. It can relieve the patients whose body weight is too heavy by inhibiting the adsorption of lipids. A kind of proved lipase inhibitor without prescription, flavanol extracted from cassia nomame has been salable in the market. It is greyish yellow powder inhibiting the lipase which can disintegrate and absorb lipids. The lipase inhibited, lipids can pass through the human body without being absorbed. Meanwhile, it can induce urine and instigate burning lipids within the human body so that it may lose body weight. At present, it is widely used in developing the medicines for losing weight.
• To protect the liver;
• Laxative;
• Antisepsis;
• Antimycotic;
• Increased effevtiveness;
• Eye protection;
• Weight Reduction;
• Hypolipedemic;
• The promotion of gastric secretion, promoting digestion;
• Regulation of the immune;
• Lower blood pressure.
Active Ingredient: Anthraquinone-containing substances, including obtusin, blunt vasopressin, emodin, aloe emodin, rhein, as well as Cassia glycosides AC and so on.
CAS#: 518-82-1.
Molecular Formula: C15H10O5.
Molecular Weight: 270.24.
Part Used: Seed.
Properties: Brown-yellow Powder. Slightly cold in nature. Sweet, bitter, salty in flavour.
Specification: 10:1 (TCL).