Product Main



1.Suitable to injection technology;
2.Rapid and complete decomposition;
3.Rapid bridging setting;
4.High whiteness of products.

Application :
For applying this series of foaming agents in EVA/rubber mixture, a small quantity of zinc oxide or stearates should be added to it so that it may decompose
at 160°C or so.
This series of foaming agents may decompose completely within a short time length and endow the finished products with the excellent performance such as
hardiness, density, whiteness, tensile strength, and tearing strength; in particular, it benefits the extensibility, whiteness and better bubble structure of products.
This series of foaming agents possesses not only the physical performance matching the foaming injection technology, but also excellent technological performance
and dispersibility that promote flowing and bridging of resins. Not only the foaming agent may avoid the possible premature decomposition caused by high shearing
stress during kneading and pelleting, but also decompose rapidly and completely in the mould to guarantee that the product is of smooth surface and fine bubble structure
and without yellow color left by AC decomposition while maintaining other excellent performance.