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Lotus Extract Powder
Light Green-brown Powder
Nuciferine 98% HPLC
ISO 9001:2000,
MOQ 5g

Nuciferine is in a lotus leaf aporphine alkaloids, for the lotus leaf of the main lipid-lowering active ingredients; to crush the dried lotus leaf as raw material, the use of cellulase pre-treatment, thin hydrochloric acid extraction, ultrasonic-assisted extraction, chloroform extraction from a range of methods of extraction.     Pharmacological Effects:  

Chinese medicine believe that the bitter taste of lotus leaves, flat, in the liver, spleen, stomach, the Heart Sutra. There are removing summer-heat and wet, or fat-Qing Yang, the effectiveness of cooling blood to stop bleeding and so on. Alkaloids in lotus leaves have a hypolipidemic effect, anti-free radicals, inhibition of hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, such as medication, therapeutic efficacy, but also with anti-mitotic role, have a stronger inhibitory effect.     


Nuciferine can promote fat decomposition, Tongbian diuretic at the same time, pass intestinal drugs, and lipid-lowering degreasing, removing summer-heat and antipyretic effects, can significantly reduce serum triglycerides and cholesterol content of glycerol, with role in regulating blood lipid health.