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CWDM - Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing. WDM systems with fewer than eight active wavelengths per fiber.

DWDM - Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing. WDM systems with more than eight active wavelengths per fiber.

Types of WDM

Currently, there are two types of WDM in existence today: Coarse WDM (CWDM) and Dense

WDM (DWDM). Backwards as it may seem, DWDM came well before CWDM, which appeared only after a booming telecommunications market drove prices to affordable lows. Whereas CWDM breaks the spectrum into big chunks, DWDM dices it finely. DWDM fits 40-plus channels into the same frequency range used for two CWDM channels.

CWDM is defined by wavelengths. DWDM is defined in terms of frequencies. DWDM’s tighter wavelength spacing fit more channels onto a single fiber, but cost more to implement and operate.