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Paeoniflorin P.E.
Product Name          Paeoniflorin P.E. 
Active Ingredient       Lactiflorin
Part used                   Rootstalk
Appearance               Pale brown fine powder
Product Content        8%-50%
Analytical Method      HPLC  

Action and Used        Paeoniflorin is abstract from the root of Paeonia albiflora Pall. It has broad pharmacological effects, such as analgesic, anti-diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant, vasodilatic, and etc.


1.White peony is the dried roof of Paeonia lactiflora Pall which belongs to the family of buttercup. 
2.It is a Chinese traditional medicine being used frequently, which could calm the liver and kill the pain.
3.Nourishing the blood and regulate emmenia, retaining yin with astringent and decrease 
4.White peony is recognized by past dynasties doctor and good for strengthening healthy qi to 
eliminate pathogens, the 30% prescription of Chinese and Japanese clinic is White Peony.