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Performance characteristics: With high saturation magnetic induction,low core loss, low coercivity force, better magnetic property  compared with Ferrite Application: Power switching supply transformer (inverter power supply,X-ray  power supply,laser power, UPS, communications equipment supply, electroplating power supply),  singleended pulse transformer, ISDN signal transformers, common mode choke vibration and leakage  protection switch transformer. Specification: 8.2/12.4*4.5 8/15.5*16.5 9/13.5*8 10/14*5 11.5/15*5 12.5/20.5*15 8.2/12.4*4.8 8/18*4.5 9/14*8 10/14*6.5 11.5/24*20 12.5/24*10 8.2/15.5*3.2 9.1/13.4*3 9/16*10 10/14.5*5 11/14.5*2.5 12.5/24*20 8.3/12*4.5 9.3/13*10 9/16*9 10/15*25 11/14.5*2.5 12.8/27.8*8 8.3/12.2*2.5 9.3/13*10 10.5/14*3.2 10/15*4.5 11/14.5*5.5 12.9/17.56*2.5 8.3/28.5*16.7 9.3/13.5*10 10.5/14.5*10 10/15*6 11/14.8*10 12/14*3.5 8.5/11.5*6 9.5/12.7*2.5 10.5/14.5*3.2 10/16*10 11/15*5 12/15*4.5 8.5/13.7*10 9.5/12.7*3.5 10.5/14.5*8 10/16*15 11/16*6.5 12/16*15 8.7/12*4.5 9.5/12.8*2.5 10.5/17.5*10 10/16*5 11/16*8 12/17*12 8.7/12*4.7 9.5/12.8*3.2 10.5/18*10 10/16*8 11/17*6 12/19*6.5 8.7/12.25*0.35 9.5/13*5 10.5/19*3 10/16*8 11/18*10 12/19*6.5 8.7/12.25*0.35 9.5/15.3*5 10.5/21.5*4.5 10/16.4*8 11/18*10 12/19*8 8.7/15.3*5 9.6/12.7*3.5 10.5/24*10 10/18*10 11/18*21 12/19.5*5.6 8.7/15.5*20.6 9.6/13.2*10 10.7/21*15 10/19*5 11/18*8 12/20*10 8.7/18.2*10 9.6/13.5*10 10/12.4*3.2 10/19*5 11/18*8 12/20*10 8.8/12.2*0.35 9.6/15*10 10/12.5*4.5 10/20*10 11/20*8 12/20*11 8/10*4.5 9.6/16*3.85 10/13*2.5 10/20*5 11/21*16.5 12/20*30 8/11.6*5 9.7/12.4*3.9 10/13.5*0.35 10/22*10 11/22*11.5 12/20*5 8/12*3 9.8/13.3*0.35 10/13.5*2.5 10/22*5 11/22*20 12/20*8 8/12*4.5 9.8/13.35*5.1 10/13.5*3.2 10/23.5*23.5 11/24*20 12/20.5*15 8/12*4.5 9.8/13.8*10 10/14*10 10/25*15 11/24*20 12/22*15 8/12*4.7 9/11*2.5 10/14*12 11.2/13.5*3.2 12.2/19.5*8 12/23*15 8/13*4.5 9/13*2.5 10/14*3.2 11.3/15.3*6.5 12.3/18.8*4.5 12/24*20 8/14*6.5 9/13*6 10/14*4.7 11.3/15.3*6.5 12.5/19*9 12/24*25             13/18*6.5 13.5/26*25 14/24*10 15/21.5*9 16/25*10 18/22*3.2 13/18.5*5 13.5/26.5*12.5 14/26*25 15/22*14 16/25*10 18/23*10 13/19*3.2 13.8/16.8*2.5 14/26*6.5 15/22*16 16/25*8 18/23.5*10 13/20*10 13.9/23.8*10 14.2/21.9*10.5 15/23*12 16/26*10 18/24*10 13/22*10 14/19*2.5 14.3/19*9 15/23*5 16/26*20 18/24*10 13/22*6.5 14/19*2.5 14.5/22*17 15/23*8 16/26*5 18/24*11 13/22.5*18 14/19*3.2 14.5/23*23 15/24*15 17/19*14 18/24*12 13/24*15 14/19*3.2 14.5/24*20 15/24*6 17/22*10 18/24*5.5 13/17*3.2 14/19*3.5 15.5/23*10 15/24*6.5 17/22*13.5 18/25*12 13/17*4 14/19*5 15/18*20 15/25*10 17/23*12 18/26*10 13/17*6 14/19*6.5 15/18.5*7 15/25*10.5 17/23*15 18/28*10 13/17*6.5 14/19*7 15/18.6*4.5 15/25*13 17/24*20 18/28*15 13/17*8 14/19*8 15/18.6*4.5 15/25*13 17/24*8 18/28.5*10 13/17.5*6.5 14/19*8 15/19*6.5 15/78*30 17/24*8 18/30*15 13/17.6*0.35 14/20*10 15/19.5*10 16.45/22*0.35 17/25*10 19.6/25.4*3.5 13/17.8*5 14/20*12 15/19.5*2.2 16.5/23.5*15 17/28*8 19/22*11 13/18*5 14/20*9 15/19.5*5.5 16.7/11.6*15.4 17/40*6.5 19/23*10 13.2/21.5*10 14/21*10 15/20*7 16/21*10 17.3/23.5*10 19/25*10 13.2/21.5*18.5 14/21*10 15/20.8*3.2 16/23*10 18.5/24.5*6.5 19/25.5*2.5 13.5/17.6*3.2 14/21*5 15/21*10 16/23*15 18.5/27*15 19/26*10 13.5/21.8*10.5 14/21*8 15/21*10 16/23*4 18.5/27*8 19/26*10 13.5/22*12 14/22*8 15/21*10 16/23*6 18.5/27*8 19/26*12 13.5/23*18 14/23*10 15/21*7 16/23*8 18.5/28.5*14 19/27*12 13.5/24.5*30 14/23.5*18.5 15/21*8 16/24*7.5 18.6/22*11 19/28*12             19/28*13.5 22/28*4 26.7/48*10 31/38*15 35/65*20 59/70*25 19/28*6 22/28*5 26/31*6.5 31/39*13 36/72*20 60/67*10 19/28.6*2.5 22/30*5 26/32*3.2 31/39*9 38/81*30 62/78*30 19/30*20 22/32*3.2 26/32*5 31/40*10 40/75*40 64/78*30 19/34*13.5 23.5/33*44 26/38*12 32.5/37.5*5 40/78*25 65/75*20 19/40*15 23/29*12 27.5/30.5*4 32.5/37.8*6 40/85*35 65/79*25 20/25*10 23/29*5 27.5/33.5*4 32//37.5*3.2 42/65*30 70/85*25 20/25*6.5 23/33*10 27/38*8 32/38*6.5 42/68*20 77/86*10 20/25*6.5 23/33*15 27/46*10 32/38*8 43/68*26 98/110*10 20/25*8 23/33*20 27/46*20 32/40*15 44/66*30   20/26*10 23/33*25 27/46*25 32/41*15 44/69*30   20/26*5 24.2/37.8*15 28/32.5*3 32/44*20 44/90*40   20/27*10 24.5/30*15 28/34*5 32/44*6.5 44/90*50   20/27*15 24.5/40.5*10.5 28/34*8 32/50*10 45/60*20   20/28*15 24/30*20 28/43.5*12 32/50*13 45/63*25   20/30*10 24/47*15 29/16*10 32/50*15 45/68*25   20/30*12 25/28.5*4.5 29/46*25 32/50*20 45/82*30   20/30*15 25/29*10 30/37*4 32/52*16 45/85*50   20/30*15 25/32*10 30/38*20 32/62*24 46/63*35   20/30*20 25/32*12 30/40*10 33.5/39.5*4 46/66*25   20/30*6.5 25/32*6.5 30/40*13 33.5/39.5*4 46/66*35   20/30*8 25/32*6.5 30/40*15 33.8/39.8*4 48/72*30   20/31.5*9 25/32*8 30/40*8 34/36*6 48/78*30   20/32*10 25/33*12 30/41*15 34/37*4 48/78*40   20/32*15 25/40*10 30/42*3.5 34/41*8 48/85*35   20/37*18 25/40*12.5 30/50*15 34/42*12 50/105*45   21/29*10 25/40*15 30/50*8 34/43*15 54/80*25   21/29.4*5 25/40*20 30/60*20 34/44*8 55/69*30   21/30*6.5 25/40.5*12.5 30/60*25 35/45*8 56/70*25   21/30*7 25/43*25 31.2/38.2*6 35/56*20 58/70*25   22/27*4 26.2/32.2*10 31.5/34.5*4 35/56*20 58/82*30