Product Main


1. 1GHz Samsung Cortex A8 S5P210 CPU
2. DDRII512MB RAM, 2GB-4GB Flash
3. Android 2.2 operating system
4. Wi-Fi, Ethernet
5. Full HD 1080P hardware video decoder
6. HDMI interface
7. Support wireless Bluetooth keyboard
8. Bluetooht File Transfe
ENY ANDROID System Google TV Box GV-6
Share with The Family
Relax together as a family in the comfort of your living room, enjoy a movie, or browse the internet for shopping, school projects or plan your next vacation. Chat with friends, update the family Face Book, the ANDROID TV SET-TOP BOX does it all, and its easy to use, now the Internet can become a family activity.
Bring Your TV Alive with Android!
ANDROID TV SET-TOP BOX allows your TV to function as:
1. Internet TV
2. Internet Browser
3. On-line Shopping and Banking portal
4. Multi Media player (Down load or off memory)
5. Social network portal(Face Book, Twitter, etc)
6. Download Games
7. Download Applications\
8. View and share photos
9. SKYPE/MSN friends and family
10. Send and Receive emails
with ANDROID TV SET-TOP BOX your TV now becomes an affordable interactive Home PC that can be enjoyed by the whole family.