Product Main


ME007TX ultrasonic sensor is  non-contact distance  measurement  module,  which is also compatible  with electronic  brick. Output is Serial ports output,It’s  designed  for  easy  modular  project usage with industrial

Detecting range: 3cm-4m
Best in 30 degree angle
Electronic brick compatible interface
5VDC power supply
Breadboard friendly
Dual transducer
Arduino library ready

Supply voltage          5 v
Global Current Consumption 15 mA
Ultrasonic Frequency 40k Hz
Maximal Range         400 cm
Minimal Range         3 cm
Resolution         1 cm
Baud rate         9600 n,8,1
Outline Dimension 43x20x15 mmSerial  out format
This module in use of single chip will occupy a IO mouth, connect power supply, module 50ms a location inside each, and from the pin OUT a frame, including 4 8 bits of data and frame format 0XFF + H_DATA + for: L_DATA + SUM
1. 0XFF: for a frame to start data for judgment.
2. H_DATA: distance data of high eight.
3. L_DATA: distance data of low 8 bits.
4. SUM: data and, used to come to pass. Its 0XFF H_DATA + + L_DATA = SUM (only low 8)
Note: H_DATA and L_DATA synthetic 16 data, namely to unit of millimeter distance value