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SZNE Auto generation intelligence control street light:
Cost Effective Solution for outdoor lighting (100% Powered by the sun/wind ) :
Easy and quick to Install : The installation of a traditional street light, whenever the electric power grid is not available in the vicinity, implies high investment costs due to installation of cables, transformer, excavation, repaving of road asphalt, crossing over of the already existing services, etc. The installation of the new solar and wind hybrid street light on the contrary is free from these problems as it is an independent energy source and the installation is very simple and easy.
· Environmental Friendly, ecological
Practically no Routine Maintenance required: autonomous, and without operation and maintenance costs .
· No electric bill
· All components are weather proof.
· the peculiar technical design and layout make this street light safe from vandal acts, attempts of thieves, and from heavy atmospheric conditions such as strong winds, hailstorm, etc.
· Stand alone independent of each other
· The reliability of this stand alone system is very high as the electricity supply is not subject to interruptions (blackouts) as grid powered street lights
· Inherently safe for public use as it employs low Voltage 12V/24V DC.
· “0 ” service : no person operating; no Replacement batteries and parts in 12 years, Little maintenance .
· Long Life : above 20 years ;
· Warranty: 2 years .
· High quality product : each factor of the product is 100 ( full marks ).