Product Main



·         Name of Product: Ginger P.E.          

·         Latin Name: Zingiber officinale Rosc.

·         Part of Used: Rhizome

·         Active Ingredients: Gingerols

·         Specification Available: HPLC 1% -5%

·         Characteristic

        Appearance: Yellow-brown Fine Powder

        Odor: Characteristic

·         Main Function

        Anti-oxidant, effectively eliminating free radicals

        It has the function of perspiration and alleviating the fatigue, weakness, anorexia and other symptoms

        Promote appetite

        Anti-bacterial, it can ease the headache, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms

·         Application

        Applied in food field, as the raw material of food, it is nutritious and good for stomach, has detoxication effect

        Applied in pharmaceutical field, promoting blood circulation and regulating breathing, which will help the metabolism

        Applied in cosmetic field