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Used for dental impressions
the field of dentistry also takes advantage of this natural resource. Powdered sodium alginate can be used to make dental impressions. Dentists mix the powder with water in order to make a stretchable yet strong material which can hold its form. Gummy product is then packed in a dental tray and is typically bitten by the patient. With it, teeth are then molded based on the impression.
Used for Indigestion medication
sodium alginate is also used as a component for a kind of indigestion tablet. When combined with an indigestion medication, the alginate forms a protective coating on stomach and esophagus walls. The coating created by alginate can help eliminate discomfort caused by hyperacidity.
Used as heartburn remedy
if it can help buffer gastric acids then it can ideally help remedy heartburn or dyspepsia, a synergistic action produced by the combination of sodium alginate and other ingredients can help relieve heartburn.
Used as a dietary fiber or weight loss remedy
sodium alginate can help minimize body fat absorption up to seventy five percent. It is known to be helpful in treating obesity.