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Steel Core of transmission line conductor(ACSR);
Earth Wire

Galvanized Steel Strands meet or exceed the followig standards:
IEC, ASTM A475, GB 1200-88, AS, DIN and BS 183 standard.
Number of Wires/ Dia. Approx. Strand Dia. Siemem
Martin Grade
Strength Grade
Strength Grade
Approx. Weight
  Inch mm Kn kN kN kg/km
3/2.64 7/32 5.56 10.409 15.569 21.796 131
3/3.05 1/4 6.35 13.523 21.040 29.981 174
3/3.05 1/4 6.35 174
3/3.00 9/32 7.14 15.035 23.398 33.362 204
3t3.68 5/16 7.94 18.193 28.246 40.479 256
3/4.19 3/8 9.52 24.732 37.187 52.489 328
7/1.04 1/8 3.18 4.048 5.916 8.140 49
7/1.32 5/32 3.97 6.539 9.519 13.078 76
7/1.57 3/16 4.76 8.452 12.677 17.748 108
7/1.65 3/16 4.76   118
7/1.83 7/32 5.56 11.387 17.126 24.020 145
7/2.03 1/4 6.35 14.012 21.129 29.581 181
7/2.36 9/32 7.14 18.905 28.469 39.812 243
7/2.64 5/16 7.94 23.798 35.586 49.820 305
7/2.77 5/16 7.94   335
7/3.05 3/8 9.52 30.915 48.040 68.503 407
7/3.68 7/16 11.11 41.591 64.499 92.523 594
7/4.19 1/2 12.70 53.823 83.627 119.657 768
7/4.78 9/16 14.29 69.837 108.981 155.688 991
7/5.26 5/8 15.88 84.961 131.667 188.605 1211
19/2.54 1/2 12.70 56.492 84.961 118.605 751
19/2.87 9/16 12.49 71.616 107.202 149.905 948
19/3.18 5/8 15.88 80.513 124.995 178.819 1184
19/3.81 3/4 19.05 116.543 181.487 259.331 1719
19/4.50 7/8 22.22 159.691 248.211 354.523 2352
19/5.08 1 25.40 209.066 325.610 464.839 2384
37/3.63 1 25.40 205.508 319.827 456.832 3061
37/4.09 11/8 28.58 262.000 407.457 581.827 4006
37/4.55 11/4 31.75 324.720 505.318 721.502 1833