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Product name:Optical variable ink

Product Brief Introduction:
Optical variable ink is the most complicated intervention-type anti-forgery ink,the printing products using this ink has colorful metal luater in which color lump shows a pair of colors.
It is the rarely excellent anti-forgery ink and is recognizable with out any devices.

Product 's advantages:
The effect of refractive index change color
Full range of colors 

Breed and color:
7000 series: argent — green, red—green, mauve—green, brow red—golden, magenta—golden, rose red—golden, olivine—blue, verdancy—blue, grass green—purple, blue—mauve, green—purple, golden—argent
8000 series: golden—green, red—green, green—blue, blue—purple black, blue green—purple
9000 series: purple—green, green—purple, green—orange, colorless—golden, red, green, blue 

Printing way:
silk-screen   intaglio