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PJ360 Saturated Polyester Resin   Specifications: PJ360 is a solvent-borne N-10 modified saturated polyester resin which can be used to formulate amino baking paints.   Principal properties: -Excellent pigment wetting -Excellent application property -Perfect chemical and weathering resistance -Perfect impact resistance -High hardness   Applications: -Amino baking clear and pigmented paint   Product data: Item Value Unit Appearance light yellow, transparent N/A Color 2 # (Fe-Co) Solid content 702 % Acid Value 10 mgKOH/g(60%) Viscosity 3-10 s (25 02C , Gardner Holt tube,60% in xylene) Solvent Xylene N/A   Physical form: Liquid   Package size: 200kg   Dilutability: -Toluene, Xylene -Ethyl acetate , Butyl acetate -Ketones -Alcohols -Ether esters   Recommended amino resin: PJ582-2, PJ512.   Storage conditions: PJ360 should be stored indoors in the original unopened and undamaged containers in a dry place at storage temperatures between 5 02C and 30 02C exposure to sunshine should be avoided   Special declaration: This manual is based on our knowledge, experience and sincerity, and given for reference and investigation purposes only. We believe the reliability of the information and suggestions in the manual, but the manual is not equal to the product guarantee or warranty for the need to bear the legal liability, and can not be as the basis that our company should be responsible for it, either. Users have the responsibility to verify any information and product in this manual, and determine whether the product is suitable for the application or process they prepared. In any event, the decision should be made by users, whether the information and product listed in the manual is suitable for his purpose.