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With the use of a microwave, you can now dry your flowers very quickly. Flowers should be gathered at their peak or else they will turn brown. Use any of the drying agents (silica gel, sand, borax) in a container deep enough to cover the bloom. Leave a 1/2 inch stem on the flower, and place it face up on a 1/2 inch layer of drying agent. Carefully sprinkle enough agent to cover the flower, and place it in the microwave along with a small bowl of water. Do not remove the flowers from the agent immediately, but set them aside for several hours. Listed below are some times for drying flowers in a microwave.
3 minutes
every minute
12 hours
3 minutes
every minute
8 hours
Dutch iris
3 minutes
every minute
10 hours
3 minutes
every minute
12 hours
Rose, large
3.5 minutes
every 1/2 minute
24 hours
3 minutes
every minute
15 hours
By using air drying and other methods also, many flowers can be preserved for year-round enjoyment. Plan now to include some flowers in your garden for drying, and check nearby fields and road sides throughout the summer and fall for more dried plant materials.

Rose microwave dryer ,Rose microwave dring machinery ,rose microwave drying equipment , flower dryer .microwave equipment