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Product name:Rehmannia Extract Powder
Extraction part: Dry root
Specification: Polysaccharides 30%
Form: Brown powder
Inspection method: HPLC
Extract Method: Water/Grain alcohol
The sweetest and bitter taste, sexual cold, to the heart, liver and kidney channels role. Extreme heat, taste Kennedy sex cold, Yin. Heat and cooling the blood of this herb is not as effective as of rhino horns. However, this herb is the quality of the water and rich fluid, and therefore, it is the good Yin. It usually expressed as much heat in blood division of labor, fever due to a lack of Yin, the formation of the body fluid, and in all channels Yin deficiency syndeomes impairment.
1) it is blood, diuresis.
2) it can eliminate fatigue, help to anemia and promote the healing of bonesa injury.
3) cultivated land can lower blood pressure, reduce blood glucose levels and cholesterol.
4) it is a useful hypoglycemia and diabetes.
5) it can regulate menstrual flow and help with urinary problems.