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Horse Chestnut Extract
With high quality and low price
MOQ: 10kg
18%,20% Aescin HPLC/UV
Horse Chestnut Extract
English name: Horse Chestnut P.E.
Active ingredients: escin

Detection method: By HPLC
Character: brown powder
Effects: Horse Chestnut fruit extract with anti-tissue edema, reducing vascular permeability and water storage to prevent tissue product, the rapid elimination of edema caused by local heavy feeling and pressure. To treat cold stomach ache, abdominal distention, pain, malnutrition product insects, malaria, dysentery. In the anti-inflammatory, anti-leaking, eliminate the role of significant swelling, can restore normal capillary permeability, increased venous tone, improve microcirculation. In Europe, the indication is mainly caused by peripheral edema, impaired circulation, mainly in oral and topical formulations based. Aescin internationally recognized as an important natural drugs. Thousands of cases over a long period of clinical observation, that aescinate Foreign hurt peripheral vascular disease has a high therapeutic value. Packaging: 25 kg / drum Shelf life: 2 years Storage: This product should be sealed from light, stored in a dry, cool, well ventilated place.
Specification: 20% Plant source: the plants Aesculus Aesculus Aesculus chinesis Bge.'s Seeds.Product Name: Horse Chestnut Extract