Product Main


  • All kinds of grades are available
  • English names: copper oxide, cupric-oxide, copper-monoxide, black copper oxide
  • Molecular formula: CuO
  • Molecular weight: 79.55g
  • Characters: copper oxide is black to brown amorphous powder or crystalline particles (mono-clinic crystals)
  • Relative density 6.315, melting point 1,446°C, melting point 11.80KJ/mol, Mohs hardness 3 to 4, dielectric constant 18.10, insoluble in water, soluble in acid, ammonia, ammonium chloride, dissolved in sodium hydroxide to produce blue color solution, which leads to hydrogen at high temperature or carbon monoxide can be reduced to metallic copper
  • Mainly used for circuit board plating, ferrite magnetic materials and other electronic industries, glass, ceramic, enamel, paint industry, wins out, fungicides, solar heat absorber surface, reducing tobacco tar, artificial rainfall materials