Product Main


  • Appearance: clear and colorless liquid
  • Purity: 99.99& minimum
  • Diethylene glycol: 0.05% maximum
  • Color (APHA): 10 maximum
  • Water content: 0.1% maximum
  • Ash/wt: 0.005% maximum
  • Chlorides (as CL): 0.1ppmmaximum
  • Iron: 0.07ppm maximum
  • Used to synthesis "Polyester" (Dacron) and other polymers, but also can be used as a film, rubber, plasticizers, desiccant, brake oil, raw materials
  • Commonly used in high-boiling point solvent, it can be used as a car radiator antifreeze and aircraft engines of the refrigerant
  • Ethylene glycol can also be used for cellophane, fiber, leather, adhesives humectant
  • Glycol by heating the stage steam can be used as a smokescreen, glycol dinitrate is a kind of explosives