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Gold Analysis & Precious Metal Testing
With the volatility and high price of gold, precious metals, and gems, you cannot afford the time or the potential inaccuracies of traditional testing methods to determine the value of items being bought, sold, or recycled. Using Thermo Scientific Niton x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzers, you can find out in just a few seconds, with fire assay-comparable accuracy, the exact precious metal content in jewelry, coins, and other valuable products.
Accurate Purity Analysis Meets Ease of Use
That's all it takes - one simple trigger pull and almost instantly you will have an accurate purity analysis for on-the-spot sorting and valuation of gold and all precious well as quantification of other desirable and undesirable elements.
Because of the value of these metals, it's vital that no material is lost in the testing process. With our handheld XRF technology, analysis is:
1.       Fast
2.       Accurate
3.       Simple and easy to use - minimal to no sample preparation required
4.       Completely nondestructive - no acid