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At present, the number of the construction waste has reached 30%- 40%of the total urban waste. If it calculates in a standard of 500-600 tons/square meter . By 2020, our country will add about 30 billion square meters construction area.The new construction waste will be produced a stunning data. However, most of the construction waste without any treatment,they were carried by construction unit to the countryside or a country, open-air piled up or land fill. So this consumes much fee of requisition, rubbish and a lot of clear construction funds. At the same time, during the process of removing and pile up, dust and dust flying causes serious environmental pollution.Mobile crusher plant can solve these problems.
Construction waste backfilling mainly use for field leveling, road embankment fill, depression, etc.We should elect available filler according to the requirements after broken by election mining equipment. And the waste can use for field leveling, road of roadbed construction waste.The construction waste of depressions can use back fill directly without breaking.The construction waste should primarily contain waste backfill, crushed stone, brick and construction waste .Groundwater recharge area and water on water supply area may not be backfilling construction waste. We can refer to "life rubbish sanitary landfill technology standard (CJJ17)" to choose building landfill site.It is better to select in natural low-lying terrain valley, quarry waste pit, convenient transportation and reasonable distance, land use low value of groundwater, the poor areas.The storage capacity of the landfill should be to ensure that the service area processing agricultural products damaged construction waste and reconstruction of the construction waste landfill quantity.