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CAS number: 224785-90-4
Formula: C23H32N6O4S
Content: 99%
Package:1kg/aluminum foil bag
Appearance: white crystall powder, odorless, taste bitter and astringent soluble in water and alcohol.
USES: vardenafil that was not high selectivity PDE - 5 enzyme inhibitors, mainly through specific inhibition PDE - 5 of the enzyme activity play therapy effect make your penis. The drug, which
was compared with similar products effect-acting fast, reliable and continuous, curative effect is of high quality and good safety erectile etc. Taking sildenafil in that than clinical report
show Shimei 15 minutes and 35 percent of the effect-acting, 30 minutes ~ 1 hour efficient 81%, half-life equates to with sildenafil. And then the vardenafil with sildenafil and west lux (he
reaches the non) than in PDE - 5 inhibitors of the effects of disadvantages: PDE - 5 inhibitors he reaches the non IC50 for the ` ~ 0.9 nM 6.7 nM, vardenafil that no IC50 0.1 Nm to 0.7 Nm.
Obviously, vardenafil then the PDE - 5 for the inhibitory ability is with sildenafil 5 times. PDE - 5 inhibitors and other PDE analogous descrbing enzyme (such as PDE1 ~ 4, PDE7 ~ 10 and PDE -
5) the selectivity of combining ability without too much difference, but to PDE - 6 but exist.
Usage: 20-40mg

Our vardenafil analogue is undetectable by CHROMADEX, we are pleased send the Analytical Results Sheet to you. All of below products didn't found in the testing.
N-Desmethyl Acetildenafil,Carbodenafil,Hydroxyacetildenafil,Nor-acetildenafil,Desmethylacetildenafil,Piperiacetildenafil,Hydroxyhomosildenafil,Homosildenafil,Dimethylsildenafil,Udenafil,Hydroxythiohomosildenafil,Thiosildenafil,Thiohomosildenafil,Thiodimethylsildenafil,Aminotadalafil,Sildenafil coupled,Gendenafil,Imidazosagatriazinone,Norneosildenafil,Sildenafil Mesylate,Mirodenafil,Udenafil,Aildenafil,Aminotadalafil,Asetildenafil,Benzamidenafil,Xanthoanthrafil,Benzilsidenafil,Demetilhongdenafil,Dimetilsidenafil,Epi-Aminotadalafil,Homosildenafil,Hongdenafil,Hidroksiasetilsildenafil,Hidroksihongdenafil,Hidroksivardenafil,Norasetildenafil,Norneosildenafil,Piperidenafil,Piperidinoasetildenafil,Piperdinohongdenafil,Piperdinosildenafil,Pseudovardenafil,Tiyosildenafil,Tiyoaildenafil,Tiyohomosildeanfil,Vardenafil hidroliz urunu,Tiyodimetilsildenafil,Hidroksitioasetildenafil.