Product Main


Product Name Red Clover Extract
Botanical Name Trifolium pratense L
Plant Part Used: Leaves & Flowers
CAS No Biochanin A: 491-80-5 Formononetin: 485-72-3 Genistein: 446-72-0 Daidzein: 486-66-8
Molecular Formula: C15H10O4
Molecular Weight: 264
Effective Ingredient Total isoflavone
Specification: 8%,20%,40%

Main Funtion:

1.For women, stimulate eostrogenic activity, increase fertility, and
  reduce hot flashes experienced by women during menopause


3.One of the most useful remedies for children with skin problems

4.Expectorant and anti-spasmodic

5.Relieve the syndrome of irritation and inflammation of urinary

6.Relieve constipation and help soothe inflammation of the bowel,
  stomach and intestines