This set is a high-effective multi-function equipment. It is widely used in
the energy, electronics,capacitor.Cosmetics, daily chemicals and food industry.
1. Compared with standard one, this PLC one equipped with one more camera
and display. One can see the mixing status clearly through the display.
2. Mechanical seal and particular trapeziform seal between the pots ensure
the stuffs operation in vacuum condition.
3. Heating by of electricity. stream, water or heating oil just upon customer`s choice
4. The pot inner wall is machined accurately and polished by automatic
polishing machine, which helps to scrappe off the stuffs which adhere to the inner wall easily.
5. The impeller be the tortuous-framed,has a gap of 3-4mm between
the inner wall. Thus the stuffs inside the pot will be mixed adequtely in a more short time,
6. This set adopt planetaxy gear transmission principle. The impeller rotate
on the basis of the revolution of the planetory frame, to ensure the stuffs a more evenly mixed effect.
7. Revolution and rotation adopt invertor control. And one can choose different
speed according to the stuff and the viscosity factor.
8. Speedy disperser is on customer`s choice. Disperser on the basis of the revolution of the planetary frame, to ensure all stuffs inside the pot being strongly cut, dispersed and mixed adequately.The effect is a flagrant contrast to common mixer.