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Green Terra mesh is an environmental gabion type used for erosion control for rivers, shorelines and streambanks and reinforced soil slope for roads, residential areas. They provide immediate and long-term erosion control and create conditions for plant establishment.

Green Terra mesh used to make the water speed slower near the bank and trap sediment. It consists of base(A), reinforced hexagonal wire mesh gabion(B), coconut fiber blanket(C), welded mesh panel(D), Triangle bracket(E), pre-formed steel strut(F).The base is made of a single length of galvanized, galfan(zinc-aluminium alloy) or PVC coated hexagonal wire mesh boxes with an 45 or 60 degree inclined face, along with a bio-degradable or synthetic blanket on the facing and filled with a mix of stone and topsoil. The heavy blanket has a durability of 3 to 5 years that allows vegetation establishment.

The integrated vegetation provides a high resistance and durability of the structure. The development of root systems, it enhances the resistance of soil provide an important structure.

Live staking and brush layering are two general soil bioengineering techniques use with Green Terra mesh to enhance the reinforcement ability of vegetation.