The Diabetic foot therapy pad is professional designed for the people with diabetic foot and ulcer.There are three treatment areas in each therapeutic shoe, including one area in the vamp and the other two in the sole .It works by administering monochromatic near-infrared photo-energy to the affected area of foot. The infrared energy can penetrate into 5cm depth absorbed by haemoglobins , spuring endothelial cells on the inner wall of blood vessels to produce NO, decreasing inducible NOs. Then the blood vessels begin to dilate and local circulation advanced, thus wound healing up, pain and swell relief or sense of equilibrium enhanced.
Energy can reach to 924mw
Applied to treatment of open wounds&non open wounds
Strong,moderate and mild three grades of energy can be alternated
Treatment time can be adjustable,10min,20min,30min,40min for choosing
Noninvasive and painless
Innovative for wound therapy