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Meridian Therapy Device, AK-2000-VII B
Features of this Acupuncture Pen:
This device has four interchangeable therapy caps and three therapy models, Using 3 types of electric pulse imitate the therapy: Hammering; Cupping and Scraping.
1> Node cap: This one is for hand therapy and partial therapy. It can locate the acupoint accurately.
2> Spheroidal cap: Partial therapy, which is applicable for quickly alleviating pain and dredging meridians in the body. When using we suggest switch the device to “ Hammering”
3> Dome type: Superficial therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification, when it switched to “ cupping” model, it can be used for cupping.
4> Elbow cap: For scraping, when using we suggest to switch the device to model “ scraping”
( in red shows the New functions)
This device is applicable for pains in cervical vertebrae, shoulders, waist, feet, And serves as an adjuvant therapy for various diseases such as frozen shoulder, arthritis and neuron-muscular pain, etc, it can also be used to diagnose and treat many kinds of diseases when it is used according to the instructions and combined with meridian therapy, such as headache, stomachache, nervous headache and so on.
Reflection area for hand therapy
 Tips on how to use
1> When you start the therapy, you would feel gradual increase of pain on your therapy spot for a while (about 1 minute) and then the pain will be relieved.
2> If there is no sensation, drop 1 or 2 drops of water or apply some cream on your skin.