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Why measure Electrical Energy
Energy cost is on the rise. It is therefore in the interest of both private and commercial customers to measure energy. If you know your consumption, you are able to be energy efficient and ultimately save money. By using EASTRON electricity meters it is possible to know and control consumption over time, in addition you measure cost for fair distribution/sharing. More and more shopping malls, business hotels are built and the demand for cost sharing is increasing. Why pay as much as your neighbor when you use less energy!
Another reason to measure energy is obvious - saving the environment. By having full control over your consumption you will be able to cut on your CO2 emissions.
Why EASTRON Electricity meters
EASTRON electricity meters have the advantages of being small, competent and flexible. By using the flexible interface for communication you are able to see and control your consumption in a very efficient way. With the optional tariff handling functions EASTRON Electricity meters helps you on the way to accurate cost distribution even when complex tariff schemes are used. A lot of functions fit inside EASTRON Electric­ity meters despite its compact design and small dimensions and it is very easy to add or retrofit into your standard enclosure. The installers’ best friend, in combination with CE approvals this is your best solution.
The SDM-530C is a basic meter for installation in three phase 4
wire networks. The meter is available in two versions, one direct connected and one transformer connected. Both these versions measure active energy. The product is configuration free, which makes it very easy to deal with in all applications.
Meter performance
l 3 phase
l Direct connected up to 100A
l Transformer connected 5A
l Active energy
l Accuracy better than Class 1
l LCD with 7 digits
l Low power consumption
l Pulse output and Modbus RTU
l 7 DIN modules width
l Wide temperature range
l Easy configuration of transformer ratio
·Protection against penetration
Of dust and water IP51
·Insulating encased meter
of Protective class II
Voltage withstand
AC voltage withstand 2KV for 1 minute
Impulse voltage withstand 6KV – 1.2µS waveform
Rs485 communication specifications
Bus type RS485
Protocol MODBUS RTU with 16 bit CRC
Baud rate (bps) 1200(default), 2400, 4800, 9600
Address range 0-255 user settable
Bus Loading 64 meters per bus
Rage (m) 1000
Infrared communication specifications
Infrared wavelengths (nm) Between 900 and 1000
Communication distance (m) 5
Communication angle -15o to +15o
Baud rate (bps) 1200(default),
Protocol MODBUS RTU with 16 bit CRC