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Core Optronics is a professional manufacturer with high quality of Polarizing Beam Splitter Cubes, Wave plates, Glan Polarizers, BBO, LBO, BIBO, KTA, KDP, DKDP, Nd:YVO4, Diffusion bonding crystals.etc. 

Potassium Titanyle Arsenate(KTiOAsO4, KTA) Potassium Titanyle Arsenate(KTiOAsO4), or KTA crystal, is an excellent nonlinear optical crystal for Optical Parametric Oscillation (OPO) application.

In comparison to KTP, KTA crystals feature large non-linear optical and electro-optical coefficients and have significantly reduced absorption in the 2.0 - 5.0 mm range.  Its low dielectric constants, low loss tangent and ionic conductivities are orders of magnitude less than that of KTP.

  •  Large nonlinear optical and electro-optical coefficients
  •  Wide angular bandwidth and small walk-off angle
  •  Broad temperature and spectral bandwidth
  •  Low dielectric constants, loss tangent and ionic conductivities (much less than that of KTP)
  •  High damage threshold
  •  Lower absorption and high transmission in the 3-4 µm spectrum range than KTP.
  •  Highly resistant to high intensity laser radiation.

Frequency Doubling (Second Harmonic Generation SHG)

Sum and Difference Frequency Generation (SFG)/(DFG) 

Optical Parametric Oscillation (OPO)

Electro-Optical Q-switch and modulation for Optical waveguides