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  • In food industry, KGM is widely used as such food additives as emulsifying agent, thickener, stabilizer, coagulant, suspending agent, packing agent and quality improver
  • Medicine: KGM is praised as a cleaner for the bowels and a purifier for the blood in the medicine circle for its healthy functions of lowering blood sugar, blood lipid level, blood pressure and cholesterol, preventing diabetes and cancer, detoxification, and health promotion
  • In chemical industry, KGM is widely applied as binding agent, textile printing assistant, adhesive, natural preservative, and coagulant
  • In cosmetics industry, KGM is used in the manufacture of personal care products, shaving cream, body foam, body wash product and toothpaste
  • In textile printing, the good properties KGM in gelatinization,,rheology and water retention are exploited
  • In papermaking, the good properties KGM in cohesion, water retention and bleaching are exploited
  • Good water solubility: it is capable of absorbing up to 100 times its weight in water
  • Thickening capability KGM has a high molecular weight and great hydration and is charge free
  • The viscosity of the solution with 1% of konjac fine flour is as great as tens of thousands of mpa.s, which is greater than the viscosity of any other natural gums
  • Stability: in contrast with other thickening agents, such as xanthan gum, guar gum and locust bean gum, konjac gum is of the non-ionic type and is little affected by the salts in the system. Under ambient temperatures, it remains highly stable without the occurrence of any precipitation even if the pH drops to≤3.3
  • Substitution of konjac gum for locust bean gum as the thickening agent in ice cream or cheese production can inhibit icing and thus stabilize its quality