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Ball Clay is an extremely rare mineral found in very few places around the world. The term "Ball Clay is applied to those plastic "transported" clays which when fired in an oxidising atmosphere to the temperature of certain pottery ovens- approx 1150°-1200°C have a white or nearly white colour.

Why So-called Ball Clay?
Its name dates back to the early methods of mining when specialized hand tools were used to extract the clay in rough cube shapes of about 30 cm. As the corners were knocked through handling and storage these cubes became rounded and ‘ball’ shaped.
Ball clays contain three dominant minerals: from 20-80% Kaolinite, 10-25% mica, and 6-65% quartz.

In addition, there are other 'accessory' minerals and some carbonaceous material (derived from ancient plants) present. The wide variation both in mineral composition and in the size of the clay particles results in different characteristics for individual clay seams within a deposit. 

Detail of each type

Sio2:54.18, Al2O3:30.1,  Fe2O3: 1.2, TiO2:0.81, CaO:0.17, MgO:0.2, K2O:0.74, Na2O:0.10, L.O.I:12.50,  Viscosity(s):30, PH Value:6.0, Dry Strength(Kgf/cm2):62.1
Whiteness:73, Lg Loss: 12.5, Shrinkages:7.8, Water Absorption: 12.8 
Sio2:52.10, Al2O3:31,  Fe2O3: 1.00, TiO2:0.58, CaO:0.0.18, MgO:0.31, K2O:1.57, Na2O:0.18, L.O.I:13.10,  Viscosity(s):35, PH Value:6.1, Dry Strength(Kgf/cm2):58.2
Whiteness:76, Lg Loss: 13.0, Shrinkages:8.0, Water Absorption: 13.1
Sio2:54.39, Al2O3:30.2,  Fe2O3: 0.90, TiO2:0.60, CaO:0.05, MgO:0.08, K2O:0.91, Na2O:0.07, L.O.I:12.80,  Viscosity(s):38, PH Value:6.2, Dry Strength(Kgf/cm2):48.2
Whiteness:81, Lg Loss: 12.1, Shrinkages:7.9, Water Absorption: 12.9
Sio2:53.11, Al2O3:32.1,  Fe2O3: 0.79, TiO2:0.58, CaO:0.03, MgO:0.09, K2O:0.83, Na2O:0.06, L.O.I:12.41,  Viscosity(s):37, PH Value:6.0, Dry Strength(Kgf/cm2):41.2
Whiteness:84, Lg Loss: 12.3, Shrinkages:8.0, Water Absorption: 12.5
Sio2:49.28, Al2O3:33.7,  Fe2O3: 0.80, TiO2:0.15, CaO:0.19, MgO:0.37, K2O:2.34, Na2O:0.17, L.O.I:13.00,  Viscosity(s):80, PH Value:5.5, Dry Strength(Kgf/cm2):43.1
Whiteness:86, Lg Loss: 12.0, Shrinkages:7.5, Water Absorption: 13.0

Product Size: cake form
Moisture: 28-30%
Packing: Bulk/MT bag/ 50kgs pp bag