Assay:from NMT10% to NMT 95% Octacosanol
Molecular Formula: C28H58O
Molecular Formula: C28H58O
Molecular Weight: 410.76
CAS #: 557-61-9
CAS #: 557-61-9
Appearance:Powder in wax state
Loss On Drying:NMT0.5%
Stability:do not absorb moisture,stable for light and heat,stable in acid and basification good character of bio-degradation.
Solubility:not soluble in water,soluble in nButyl alcohol,lsopropylalcohol,Ethyl ether,Chloroform,N-BUTYL ACETATE,alcohol, Petroleum Ether,ETC.
Policosanol is a mixture of primary long-chain aliphatic(non-ring) alcohols. The main ingredient in policosanol is octacosnaol, but as the name implies, Sometimes, a little amount of individual alcohol like Heptacossanol and Nonocosanol exists in waxes. But in general, effective components can be analyzed including Tetracosanol, Hexacosanol and Dotriacontanol. Policosanol is a group of active compounds composed of predominantly five higher primary aliphatic alcohols-tetracosanol, hexacosanol, octacosanol, triacontanol and dotriacontanol.