* Ready to mount. Step Plate eliminates double-nutting.
* Diagnostic circuit-LED. indicates the reason for service,allowing for quick,easy trouble-shooting.
* Primary wiring requirements of a NON-SCGEP-with the added safety of secondary ground fault protection.
* Service button-for easy troubleshooting of ground faults and primary wiring problems.Overrides the SCGFP for up to 30 minutes.
* Open circuit protection-when the no-loading output and even if connected to the input power or any loading tube is damaged,with the role of protector,there will be no voltage output in the terminal power.
* Secondly circuit ground fault protection(SCGFP)-disables unit upon detection of arcs to ground in compliance with UL2161 and NEC requirements.
* The earth leakage protection-when have the leakage,protector will transient response.
* Easy wiring methods-virtual ground and series wiring methods
* User friendly-Adapts to most grounding situations.
* Bypass voltage or super lower voltage protecting function.