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CS-2012A-3,a high-tech ESWL, reflects the model concept of Wide-Focus-Low-Pressure and combines the latest technology developed in extracorporeal lithotripsywith a compact and innovative design.
The CS-2012A-3 can be easily coupled with most currently used C-arms and ultrasound for accuratedual localization and real-time monitoring in the treatment of ESWL.
Excellent Effectiveness
With efficacy, flexibility, pain-free treatments and reduced treatment duration, the Quasi-static Binary Fragmentation by squeezing boosts the clinical effectiveness.
CS-2012A-3 is easy to operate, no special equipment requirement. Adaptable to all currently used mobile X-Ray systems and ultrasound scanners.No need to replace electrodes or lens, 1 million shocks per shockwave generator guaranteed.
Mobile and transportable.Suitable to almost alltherapeuticenvironment.
High Efficiency
With one of the highest Efficiency Quotients on the market i.e. stone-free rate of 86% after a follow-up of 3 months (W. EISENMENGER *), the QBF generator ensures excellent results.
* “THE FIRSTCLINICAL RESULTS OF “WIDE-FOCUS AND LOW-PRESSURE” ESWL”. W. Eisenmenger, X.X. DU et al, H Ultrasound in Med. & Biol., Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 769 –774, 2002
With a maximum 10.5 KV and Adjustable Pressure Regulator,the safety and efficiency can be ensured.
Thanks to its unique interface design, the CS-2012A-3  is adaptable to most currently used X-Ray and ultrasound devices, reducing the capital investment required.
•Range of discharge Voltage:7.0~10.5kV
•Discharge energy:50~100J
•Therapy distance:145mm
•Focus area cross section D:~±9mm
•Axial extent:~60mm
•Triggeringmode:manual, auto
•Lifetime of the coil:1,000,000times
•Therapy table movement:3D
•Extent of therapy table movements:100mm in Y direction;140mm in Z direction; 100mm in X direction