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Air compression therapy massager MK400
Air compression therapy massager MK400 system features:
1.      Touch key pad controllers
2.      Compression mode:A,B,Full modes
3.      Compression speed controller:1~6 speed level
4.      Optional care program:6 steps
5.      Reverse compression controller
6.      Compressing part indication graphic
7.      Pressure sensor controller
Air compression therapy massager MK400-therapeutic action
The lymphatic drainage system was 400 K.
designed to make therapy sessions
customized and allow to treat all
types of pathologies linked to insufficient blood circulation

Air compression therapy massager Three compression modes
A mode:
Compression and decompression of each successive cell
Option 2 reverse sequences classic bottom-up and a sequence from top to bottom

B mode:
Compression of each successive cell
* Reverse setting two classic sequences from the bottom up and top-down sequence

C mode:
Compression of each successive cell by two segment two segments
* Reverse setting two classic sequences from the bottom up and top-down sequence

Air compression therapy massager Fonction SKIP:
Possibility of zero pressure on one or more cells
Lets not put pressure on one or more segments identified
Example: If a patient has some of the injured leg or for which there is a
cons-indication, you can cancel the pressure in the cell by a simple
pressure on the monitor screen

Comes standard with 2 boots and a sleeve.
Air compression therapy massager specification:
Pressure range
Time range
8 compression modes
A~H mode
Hold time range
0~6 seconds
Interval time range
0~19 seconds
Machine size
400 x350 x220mm
Machine weight