Applications including:
1. Removal and separation of metals 2. Treatment of acid wastes
3. Pharmaceutical processing 4. Cane sugar and corn syrup processing
Polymer Structure Styrene Crosslinked with DVB
Ionic Form, as shipped Chloride
Screen Size Distribution 12 to 20
+12 mesh (U.S. Std) < 3%
-20 mesh (U.S. Std) < 1%
Uniformity Coefficient (max.) 1.6
Water Retention 50 - 60%
Swelling Cl - to OH -(max.) 22%
Total Volume Capacity 1.46 meq/ml
Total Mass Capacity 4.6 meq/g
Shipping Weight(approx.) 0.65-0.68 g/ml
Temperature Limit 100℃