Product Main


▲ Series 1 and 3 ▲ Size 16..500 ▲ Nominal pressure up to 400 bar ▲ Peak pressure up to 450 bar ▲ Open circuit Fixed pump with possibility of through drive for mounting further pumps up to the same size. Operation possible with HF hydraulic fluids with reduced data (sizes 71 - 500). Size 22 40 125 500 Displacement Vg cm³ 22 40 125 500 Max. speed 1) 2) nnom rpm 3600 2750 1800 1320 Flow at nnom qV l/min 79 110 225 660 Power Δp = 350 bar P kW - - 131 385 Δp = 400 bar P kW 53 73 - - Torque Δp = 350 bar T Nm - - 696 2783 Δp = 400 bar T Nm 140 254 - - Weight (approx.) m kg 13,5 16,5 61 220 ¹) These values are valid at an absolute pressure of 1 bar in suction port S ²) Higher speeds permissible for high-speed version (sizes 250, 500)