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Yttrium oxide is the most important yttrium compound, is widely used to doped europium yttrium vanadate doped into the manufacture of europium and yttrium oxide material, such material can be used as a color TV picture tube red phosphor. It is also used in the manufacture of single crystal, neodymium yttrium aluminum garnet and yttrium iron garnet composite oxide, these complex oxides with good high frequency performance characteristics, as microwave magnetic material and used for military communications engineering. In addition, yttrium oxide is also used as a ceramic material, additives, advanced optical glass additives made ??the high temperatures transparent glass, as well as the materials used in the manufacture of high-pressure mercury lamp, laser, and storage components foam sector, film capacitors and special refractories such as. Inorganic synthesis, yttrium oxide is used for the synthesis of other yttrium compounds such as tris yttrium chloride (obtained by reaction with concentrated hydrochloric acid and ammonium chloride), high-temperature superconducting material such as yttrium barium copper oxide, etc..